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MOL Professional Day

2021. október 21., 15:05
In cooperation with our professional partner, MOL, we will hold a joint Professional Day on 14th of October, 2021. We would like to invite you to the presentations below.



“A life in Oil and Gas”

Past and Future Thomas Quigley has nearly 40 years’ experience within the Oil & Gas industry, having fulfilled various operational, commercial and technology management roles for BP, TNK-BP, Rosneft, OMV and MOL. He has worked on exploration, development and production projects in many regions worldwide including Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, North and South America as well as Australasia. Currently Thomas is Chief Operating Officer, E&P, MOL Group, responsible for all exploration, development, and operations of MOL’s assets worldwide.



“MOL Group’s 2030+ Shape Tomorrow Strategy”

Ádám Homonnay, MOL’s Exploration & Production Vice President provides an insight into the company’s newly updated long-term strategy and diverse business lines.  MOL Group’s vision is now fully integrated with a new sustainability strategy, aiming to be a highly efficient, innovative Central and Eastern European company.