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Invitation for the 2022 TDK conference of the Fculty of Earth Sciences and Engineering

2022. szeptember 26., 09:50
The Scientific Student Chapter of the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering expects applications for the traditional TDK conference (educational competition for students developing R&D results beyond their ordinary exercises, supervised by a professor of the faculty) before 14th of October 2022.

To participate this competition, you need to write an essay introducing the topic, the background information, your own research activity (measurements, observations etc), results and conclusions in a form corresponding to scientific publications in general. Results already published or used to a former thesis work cannot be accepted.

Formal requirements of a thesis work can be used as a base, but the extents may be shorter, not longer than 50 pages. Deadline for giving in the completed essays is the 24th of October. You also have to present your work in 15 minutes (planned between the 21-25th November) in a conference session. The essays are reviewed, presentations are discussed and best works are prized by juries (professors and students of the faculty, who didn't acted as supervisors).

If You are prepared to participate (you have a topic, a title and abstract of the planned essay, and a supervisor who agrees with your proposal), please ask for further details Your supervisor! For examples of sessions, topics and abstracts please visit the TDK page of the faculty (Tudományos diákkör - Műszaki Földtudományi Kar ( and download the program leaflets of the previous conferences!



1. Register yourself on the university TDK homepage ( and fill in an application form! Deadline is 14th October.

2. Please print the application form and let your supervisor sign it!

3. Bring the signed paper and send the text files of your abstracts attached to an email to the secretary of the organizing board on our faculty, Norbert Németh (building A/3, door 320, Institute of Mineralogy and Geology, email:!


Completed essays in one hardcopy and in pdf have to be given also here until the 24th of October. Further information on dates and to-dos will be sent to the applicants in email.

The Faculty rewards with a stipendium of 60000 HUF those who successfully participate on our conference. Based on the decision of the session juries, the best ones will receive further awards and will be promoted to the national level competition in the spring of 2023.

Jószerencsét! (Good Luck!)

The Scientific Student Associations Comittee of the Faculty of Earth Science