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2024. január 12., 11:40
The Mikoviny Sámuel Doctoral School of Earth Sciences invites you
for the public discussion of the doctoral (PhD) dissertation written by
Patrik Pusztai



The Mikoviny Sámuel Doctoral School of Earth Sciences invites you

for the public discussion of the doctoral (PhD) dissertation titled


„Flow profile control in hydraulic fractured wells - Foundation of a new geothermal energy production technology".


written by

Patrik Pusztai


held at 11 a.m. 2. February 2024. in VI. lecture room(A/1. 1. floor 101. room)



The opponents of the PhD thesis:


Dr. Zoltán Turzó, PhD university associate professor, UM

Dr. Richárd Sági, PhD senior technology development engineer, MOL.





Dr. Anita Jobbik, PhD  senior scientific research fellow, UM           

Dr. Mátyás Krisztián Baracza, PhD senior scientific research fellow, UM        


The doctoral dissertation and the thesis booklet can be viewed in at the link below:


Anyone present may take part in the public debate and may comment in writing in advance.


10 January 2024.



                                                                                         Prof. Dr. Péter Szűcs                                               

                                                                                   Head of the Doctoral School