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2023. december 8., 10:20
Cimkék:Phd, invitatin public discussion
The Mikoviny Sámuel Doctoral School of Earth Sciences invites you for the public discussion of the doctoral (PhD) dissertation written by Abdelnour Emad Nageh Masri



The Mikoviny Sámuel Doctoral School of Earth Sciences invites you

for the public discussion of the doctoral (PhD) dissertation titled

" Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) analysis for geothermal exploration in the Little Hungarian Plain".

written by

Abdelnour Emad Nageh Masri


held at 1:00 p.m. 20 December 2023 in Csókás lecture room. (A/2. 2.floor213.)




The opponents of the PhD thesis:   


Dr. Mihály Dobróka, DSc Professor Emeritus, UM

Dr. Gábor  Tari, PhD Group Chief Geologist, OMV



Dr. Tamás  Fancsik, PhD associate professor, UM

Dr. Ernő  Takács, PhD Geoscience Referee, Supervisory Authority for Regulated Services        


The doctoral dissertation and the thesis booklet can be viewed in at the link below:

Anyone present may take part in the public debate and may comment in writing in advance.

Availability in case of a technical problem:

6 December 2023.                                                                                                       




                                                                                         Prof. Dr. Péter Szűcs       

                                                                                Head of the Doctoral School