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International awards at the PDAC 2022 conference

2022. július 14., 10:05
The PDAC conference was held for the 90th time this year. This event is one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of raw material exploration / extraction and mining. The conference was held in a hybrid form: from June 13-15, 2022, Toronto, Canada, hosted the event in person, while the online part of the conference was held from June 28-29, 2022.

Three of our students attended the conference online with a poster:

  • Lívia Leskóné Majoros: „Comparison of critical mineral and element content of black schists fom NE-Hungary”
  • Csilla Balassa: „HFSE enrichment in Bükk Mts., NE-Hungary – Geochemistry and mineral composition”
  • Mohamed Badawi: „Structural evaluation and mapping of hydrothermal alteration in the Fatira-Abu Zawal area of the Eastern Desert, Egypt”

The abstracts of the Students are available here:

Lívia Leskóné Majoros and Csilla Balassa won the second place in the PhD category with their work. Congratulations to them!

The official results are available here: