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Are You talented and interested in earth sciences?

2025. január 28., 10:20
TEKH Special College is waiting for You!

TEKH, as a professional college, is a talent-management branch of the Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering of the University of Miskolc. Its mission is to support talented students in starting their professional or academic careers. Members can be MSc, PhD, BSc level students from any university, as long as they meet the membership requirements. We expect as members or welcome new applications from those who give positive answers to the following questions: - do you want to work more than the minimum required at the university? - do you feel the talent in yourself and want to develop it with our help? - do you want to do research with the help of a supervisor? - would you like to participate in TEKH vocational college programs, field exercises, short courses, lectures? - do you also want to take on a community task? - do you speak English? If your answer to these questions is YES, please provide your information by filling out the following application form no later than 31 January.

Application form


Your application will be discussed and approved by the TEKH General Meeting in 2025 February.

Please send a short 500 character introductory resume and a photo until the date above to Please also give your approval to publish these data on the TEKH's Facebook's page for the members!

Ass. Prof. Norbert Németh Head of Operations TEKH